Okay, so I know I’ve got a reputation for being kind of a hater when it comes love. I openly mock mooshy couples and have most definitely made gagging noises at the sight of PDA. Very mature I know. But I do have a confession. There is a little romantic in me buried deep deep deep deep down. That romantic side manifests itself in my great love of the Lizzie McGuire movie. I watched it with my study abroad group the other night. I’ve loved this movie since I was 12 years old. I actually saw it in theaters with my brother Logan, therefore it will always remind me of him. Sorry Log. :) In this movie the beloved Disney sitcom character Lizzie goes to Rome on a school trip, is mistaken for an Italian pop star, stars in her own concert, finds total confidence, and gets her first kiss. Awesome, right? Ha I know definitely not high quality cinema, but I can’t help but love it. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t secretly hope to find my Indian celebrity twin and fall in love during the course of my study abroad. Sadly, last time I checked my life wasn’t a Disney movie, but hey it could happen. :)

That's Lizzie and her best friend Gordo. They fall in love and it's adorable.
This post pleases me and my heart.