Thursday, June 9, 2011

Snakes, Scorpions, and Hedgehogs! Oh My!

Last weekend was filled with all sorts of fun little creatures. Snakes, scorpions, hedgehogs, and also not so little water buffalo. It was pretty awesome. The snakes, scorpions, and hedgehogs were all at the snake farm. I got to hold all of them. The snake was actually my favorite. So cool and crazy strong. One of the hedgehogs was pretty much the cutest thing ever. The other hedgehog sort of looked like an alien. I tried to give him a chance and after he pooped on Noah I figured I was safe. I was wrong. He wasn’t quite done. Haha All over my shirt too. It was pretty funny. Next, we watched this crazy snake show where the snake guys were seriously invading a pythons’ personal space. One of the performers was like 6 years old. So crazy! Sure makes me feel lame. My 6 year old self couldn’t cross the street alone.
Scorpions all up on me.

Me, Jessica, and Hayley holding a MASSIVE snake. So freaking strong! We could feel him wrapping around our necks. It was nuts!
cute little daredevil

After that we checked out a rice farm. We got to try planting, picking, and also water buffalo riding. It was really cool. After that was the orchid gardens. Some really pretty flowers. We also checked out this awesome lake not too far from Chiang Mai.

Me on a water buffalo. I've decided I like them. :)

Orchid garden!

Cool lake

Also, keeping with the critter theme, some of you may know that I used to have an irrational fear of dead bugs. Well…fear conquered! How you may ask? Right before our trek a couple weekends ago I ate 5 of them. Ha true story. They sell big bags of fried crickets at the market so me, Becca, and Jessica all chipped in to buy some. It felt pretty counterintuitive paying to eat bugs but Hayley and Noah had already eaten 3 so we figured it was our turn. The worst part was grabbing them out of the bag. Uuuew! They really weren’t horrible. A little on the squishy side, and the after taste was pretty nasty but could have been much worse. We still had a ton of crickets left after and Noah was thinking we could feed them to the elephants we were riding that day but Andrew said elephants don’t eat bugs. I said that’s because they’re smart. You do get so desensitized to insects here. It’s awesome. You just pick em out of your food and keep eating, and no one even judges you! It’s great! J

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