Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Woes of a lapsed vegetarian

So as many of you know, in regular circumstances, I am in fact a vegetarian. Until a few weeks, ago it had been over a year and half since I had last had meat. Since I’m living with a host family and in order to avoid offending them, I’ve had to eat meat. Sad face. I knew that was probably going to happen so I started back on fish a couple months ago, but my pride wouldn’t let me eat meat till the day that I absolutely had to. That day came pretty quickly in my adventure. My first lunch with my host family, about 15 minutes after I met them. It wasn’t too bad. I thought I might have a hard time eating it but my adrenaline kicked in and was just like “EAT!” so I did.

The crazy thing is I don’t even like meat anymore. Cue gasps! Blasphemy I know. I’m as shocked as you are. I loved meat back in the day, but I’d say I’ve seen enough whole pig heads just chillin in the market place to stop me from voluntarily eating meat for a few lifetimes. Even bacon (once upon a time my favorite food) isn’t that appetizing when you’ve got decapitated Babe staring at you. In Thailand you see chickens running around all over the place and I’m like “run while you still have legs!” In conclusion, being an herbivore rocks. I’m excited to go back to veg as soon as I get home. J

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